Gig Business, Using GigSalad (Vendors)

How to Use ChatGPT to Get More Gigs

By Heather Roonan

Ever heard of ChatGPT, the AI chatbot that’s taking the world by storm? It’s the digital sidekick you never knew you needed. The capabilities are seemingly endless, from coming up with witty jokes to writing full blog articles. In fact, we had it help us with ideas for this very post! Read on to learn more about how you can use ChatGPT to spruce up your profile, charm your clients, and help you land more gigs.

How to Get Chatty with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a free chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to generate human-like text responses. It can answer questions, craft copy, spin stories, and even compose poetry. This AI tool has a large language model that allows you to talk to it just as you would a real person.

To use it, visit this site and create an OpenAI account. Once you’ve verified via text or email address, you can begin using ChatGPT. Spend some time experimenting with different prompts to see what kind of answers you get. You’ll be amazed at its capabilities. And honestly, it’s a lot of fun!

Poking the Chatbot: Some Prompting Tips

The beauty of ChatGPT lies in its conversational prowess. If its first response doesn’t meet your needs, you can tell it why and guide it toward something different. Give some of these prompts a try, or make your own variations of them, to get your AI assistant to adjust its behavior.

  • “Use a [clever/witty/casual/professional] tone when replying.”
  • “Condense your answer to [200/500/1000/etc] words or less.”
  • “Answer me like you are a party planner organizing an event.”
  • “Provide more details in your replies with at least 3 examples.”
  • “When I use the word gig, I’m referring specifically to a musical performance. Keep this in mind for future answers.”

Optimize Your Profile

Your profile is your digital handshake, and first impressions are everything. Let ChatGPT help you develop optimized and well-written copy that accurately portrays your services and ensures the right clients find you online.

Write a great bio

You can use ChatGPT to write a compelling and engaging description of your skills, experience, and unique selling points. Unlike your overview, which we’ll go over next, your biography doesn’t need to be condensed. You can include as many details as you’d like.

Give ChatGPT all the info you want to be included. You can write it out, list it in bullet points, or copy and paste it from your website or social media. Then let the AI chatbot turn it into a bio that’ll leave clients starstruck.

🎸 Pro tip: ChatGPT is familiar with GigSalad, so you can specify that your bio is for our site. This way, it will know how the copy will be used in context. For example, you might prompt: “Using the following information, help me write a compelling bio for my GigSalad profile.”

Fine-tune your overview

On GigSalad, your overview is the first thing clients read when coming across your profile. It’s your elevator pitch. It should be clear and concise – just one or two short paragraphs. You can use ChatGPT to write something new or ask it to whittle down and improve what you already have.

When prompting ChatGPT, tell it the most important facts and what you are trying to achieve. For example, you might say: “Help me write an overview of my services that will make clients want to book me for their events.” You could even do this in the same chat thread as your bio and ask the chatbot to use the previously-provided info to generate a 3-5 sentence overview of your services.

πŸ‘‰ You might also like: Create a Media Kit That Will Get You Gigs

Craft some testimonials

Reviews are the lifeblood of any gigster’s profile. While official client reviews should be left untouched, ChatGPT can help you rephrase or summarize informal testimonials to sprinkle throughout your written content.

⭐ Pro tip: Feature your testimonials in your GigSalad profile by adding them to the end of your Biography. Or, if the feedback highlights specific aspects of your service, quote those clients in the “What to Expect” section.

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Sell Your Services

When it comes to creating a great sales pitch, trial and error is the name of the game. With ChatGPT on your side, you can whip up personalized responses that’ll help you close deals like a seasoned pro.

Understand your client’s needs

When you get a new lead, read the details carefully and then summarize the request in a message to ChatGPT. Ask the chatbot to generate relevant questions that will help you better understand what your client is looking for.

Prompts to try:

πŸ’» “Provide me with questions I can ask my client to better understand their [event type] and its theme, audience, and their expectations for my [entertainment service].”

πŸ’» “Help me create a list of questions to gather more information about the venue[/venue name], timing, and any special requests the client might have for my [entertainment service] at their [event type].”

Write your sales pitch

Not everyone is a natural salesperson. Or perhaps your existing tactics have gone stale and you need a refreshing pitch. Utilize ChatGPT to craft persuasive language that showcases your skills, experience, and the benefits of hiring you for an event.

Prompts to try:

πŸ’» “Help me create a persuasive sales pitch for my [entertainment service] that highlights my experience in [list of relevant events], my unique selling points like [specific skills or features], and the benefits clients will get from hiring me, such as [client benefits].”

πŸ’» “Generate a compelling sales pitch for my [entertainment service] that focuses on the value I brought to previous events like [list of notable events] and the memorable experiences I created for guests, including [specific examples].”

Create some saved responses

As ChatGPT helps you ask great questions and create effective sales pitches, add them to your saved messages in your GigSalad account. This will help you respond to your leads faster in the future!

If you already have a stable of canned responses saved, you can also use ChatGPT to refine them. Copy and paste them into a prompt and ask the chatbot to help you make them better.

Read post: How to Respond to Leads with One Click

Improve Your Communication

Following up and following through are essential for effective communication. Let ChatGPT assist you in building relationships, crafting timely responses, handling client concerns, and getting amazing referrals.

Build rapport

Establishing a connection with your clients can be a game-changer. Use ChatGPT to help create personalized messages that’ll make your clients feel like they’re talking to a friend, not just a performer.

Prompts to try:

πŸ’» “Help me craft a message that shows genuine interest in my client’s event and the story behind it, making them feel valued and understood.”

πŸ’» “Assist me in writing a message that connects my personal experiences or interests with my client’s event, highlighting shared values and building rapport.”

Follow up

It can be frustrating to deal with unresponsive clients, but a well-crafted follow-up can often be the key to closing the deal. Use ChatGPT to draft friendly and professional messages to prompt a client to reply if they haven’t yet.

Prompts to try:

πŸ’» “I need a friendly follow-up message to send to a client who requested a quote for my [entertainment service] but hasn’t responded yet.”

πŸ’» “Assist me in crafting a professional follow-up message to check in with a client who I recently discussed their event requirements with, and remind them of my availability.”

Address concerns

Once your client does respond, they may come back with concerns. Knowing the best way to alleviate these worries will get you closer to booking the gig. Use ChatGPT to generate thoughtful answers that address their concerns and reinforce the value of your services.

Prompts to try:

πŸ’» “A potential client has concerns about the noise level of my [entertainment service] for their event. How can I address this concern while reassuring them of the value of my performance?”

πŸ’» “Help me respond to a client who is unsure if my [entertainment service] is suitable for their specific event theme. How can I showcase my versatility and ability to adapt to various themes?”

Request reviews and referrals

Glowing feedback and word-of-mouth are some of the most powerful marketing tools. When you book on GigSalad, we’ll request reviews for you, but it never hurts to ask for one personally and see if they’ll spread the word. Let ChatGPT assist you in crafting polite and professional messages to your satisfied clients.

Prompts to try:

πŸ’» “Help me write a message asking my satisfied client to leave a review and refer me to their friends, family, or colleagues who might need my [entertainment service] in the future.”

πŸ’» “Assist me in crafting a message that expresses my gratitude for my client’s support and requests them to spread the word about my [entertainment service] if they feel inclined.”

As with any new tool, the best way to learn how to use it is to get in there and try it. Play around with various prompts and voices until you get the responses that work best for your business. Remember, the only limit is your imagination, so get creative, and soon, you’ll be booking gigs left and right! 😁

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